When you’re shopping for a Buckhead Ridge real estate property, there are plenty of things to think about, and the mortgage you can qualify for is just one. However, during the process you’ll be evaluating a number of properties and mortgage options. The ability to “run the numbers,” checking the property financing details with different mortgage and down payment options, is important.

Use the mortgage calculators on this page to help you run those numbers and try different combinations of interest rate and down payment with each home on your list. There’s no substitute for knowledge and preparation.

Man holding thumbs up

Do You Qualify?
Understanding how much of a mortgage you can qualify for...

Picture of Numbers

Compare Interest Only vs. Principal
Calculate the difference between interest only mortgage & principal mortgages

Calculator and Papers

Calculate Amortized Payments
Determine the monthly payment amount based on the amount borrowed & more ...

Meet a Payoff Goal

Meet a Payoff Goal
How much additional monthly payment is necessary to pay off your mortgage?

Tax Savings

Estimate the savings in taxes that can be realized due to interest & property taxes!

Calculator and Pen

Compare Consolidation & Re–Financing
Compare refinancing a single mortgage vs. consolidating a first & second mortgage ...

Picture of keys, pencils, and a wallet

Refinancing a Mortgage
See the cost and savings of refinancing at a lower interest, net of closing costs...

Cash on a Calendar

Compare Monthly vs. Bi–weekly
Save more by making one half of your mortgage payment every two weeks ...

Picture of a house and calculator

Compare Mortgage Rates
See the differences in mortgage payments and interest costs at different rates ...

Calculator and Cash

Compare Term of Your Mortgage
This calculator will compare monthly payments of different mortgage terms ...
